Learning Material Adaptation

By: ELTC | Open Course | Tier III: Proficient

Your achievements for this course will be recorded in your IMPROVE Educator profile. Please sign up or learn more about it here.

LMS : Google Classroom

Access Code: nwxbmwd 

Duration: 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024

Instructor's E-mail address: ipgm-0169@moe-dl.edu.my

Course Description

This course focuses on explaining and applying principles of evaluation, adaptation, and design to language materials. Participants will be exposed to principles of materials evaluation, differentiation, materials adaptation, and materials design as part of the process with an emphasis on the four language skills. Specifically, participants will be able to apply these principles in developing ESL language learning materials. This course is offered to English Language teachers from the primary and secondary levels.

Learning Outcomes



Note: Upon course completion, your achievements will be recorded in your IMPROVE Educator profile at the end of every month. The due date for course completion is on the 15th day of each month. If you complete the course after this date, your achievements will be recorded at the end of the following month.