DCL 1: Fundamentals and Principles of Cooperative Learning
By: ELTC | Open Course | Tier I: Foundation
Course Description
This course aims to provide participants with an overview of the fundamentals and principles of cooperative learning as well as to apply the elements of cooperative learning in developing teaching and learning activities for the language classroom. This course is offered to English language teachers in the primary and secondary schools.
This course is delivered using Google Classroom.
MoE Google account is required to access this course.
If you already have an account, you may join the course using this access code hsumhma or click on https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NDk5MjEwODE3MDE5
If you do not have the MoE Google account, please obtain a temporary account from your ICT teacher.
For any queries, please contact the course instructor at this email: ipgm-0169@moe-dl.edu.my
Learning Outcome
Describe the fundamentals and principles of cooperative learning.
Classify the elements of Cooperative Learning.
Tier I Bronze Badge: TPACK - Pedagogy
Note: Declaration of course completion is required once you have completed the course. Your achievements will be recorded in your IMPROVE Educator profile at the end of every month.